Marina Spindler

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“I am a fighter because I am a woman. And I think it is important to stay away from the anger. And being a fighter makes be go above and beyond. That’s why I got my Masters degree when I was 40 even with my kids and my work. I was a CEO before I was 40 and at 42 I started up my business. People didn’t expect much from me so I fought to exceed expectations. I throw myself into the pool and then it’s either sink or swim. That is why when I was younger I told my boss, “Either give me a raise or fire me.” Thankfully he gave me a raise.” - Marina Spindler is a consultant and the founder and president of Latam Board LLC (LAB).

Shakira Williams

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"I got baptized two years ago and I loved it. You only have to go to church three times to get baptized.  I went three times so I could get baptized but then I never left. That church is my family." - Shakira Williams works for NYC Parks and Recreation and is the mother of two boys. 

Anette McKie

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"My whole family is what is most important to me. I'm in a choir and I like to show and teach my kids love and what is important in life." _ Anette McKie is the mother of six children. 

Donna Hylton

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@donnahylton who I featured last year for the Women's March on Washington, was invited to attend the White House prison reform forum but then she was denied entrance at the door. Hylton, who lives in Brooklyn, was one of the speakers the D.C rally. "Once , I wasn't able to speak up for myself but now I can. I am the voice for all women who don't have a voice or are not allowed a voice. Next week it will be 5 years since I was released from prison. And I am going to Washington to remind people that the women in prison are just every other woman, mother, daughter, sister. But over 90% of women who are incarcerated are also victims of sexual violence. We have to talk about women and violence. Our very humanity is on the line."