"I plan to go to one of the Women's Marches next week. I don't want to sit at home feeling victimized because of how the election went. I want to do something positive and make sure things that I value, like a woman's right to choose and affordable health care act are upheld. I like that the marches are inclusive and a way for women to show their strength and power and effectiveness." Jacqueline Rickard is a business owner.
Danielle Schäfer
"I hope there is a difference between what Donald Trump says and what he does. I hope he was just talking. Women should be strong and not accept this as a loss. Do your thing and don't let him stop you. I was just traveling in Iceland and the women there protested the 14% wage gap by walking out of their jobs 14% early. Then the next day they took to the streets with pots and pans. Don't give up." - Danielle Schäfer
Lea Adams
Michelle Medina
Eva Golinger
Samantha Galente
Gerda Vellore
Elaine Boxer
"When I was in college I joined an all female singing group. They were more than sorority to me, they inspired me. Being part of that group made me really proud to be female." - Elaine Boxer is a business consultant and owner of Voila Chocolat.
Rachel Smith
"I worked as a waitress for a long time. Male customers expect you to be lovely, adorable, delightful and they like it when you are sassy because they interpret sassy as flirtatious. Sassy can bring in big tips." - Rachel Smith is a content strategist at PLASTARC.