"I used to think procrastinating was a good thing. But when I was pregnant with my third child, I was at a photo shoot when the contractions started. I kept working, I said, just one more photo and then I'll go. But I waited until the contractions were four minutes apart to go to the hospital and I never made it to a room, he was born in the hallway. The hospital staff called him "hallway baby". Now I don't procrastinate." - Rakia Reynolds is the founder and CEO of SkaiBlueMedia and the mother of three children.
Jory Des Jardins
"At first the whole blogging world was very male dominated, so the whole impetus behind starting Blogher, was that we were women, we knew our audience. It turned out to be a big advantage to know what women wanted and how they were using blogging and using the internet. Being a woman turned out pretty good for me." - Jory Des Jardins is the co-founder of Blogher and the co-founder of Virago, a stategic advisory firm for female entrepreneurs.